About Us
Who do we help? What do we do? What’s QWYC’s story? Read below to find out!
Who We help
Youth between the ages of 10 to 18 are welcome at QWYC. In order to become a member, a membership form must be submitted, as well as a $5 yearly membership fee.

What We Do
We provide resources, programming and leisure activities to each youth. Members can expect to come into a welcoming environment with choices on what activities they would like to participate in. Many programs and activities are prepared each night for youth, such as cooking, art, wellness, sports, photography, video games, etc.

Our Story
Quinte West Youth Centre officially opened in the fall of 2011. Our initial purpose for coming together was to develop strategies to respond to a number of issues facing youth in Quinte West. We were aware that our cooperation, sharing of resources, expertise and coordination would lead to greater accessibility, visibility and success for all youth in the community. We recognized youth in our community needed a place to come for recreational and pro-social leisure activities, but also needed a place to be able to come for resources and support.
Quinte West Youth Centre was formed under the Committee for Innovative Thinking for Youth (CITY) and CITY began looking at the creation of the centre to provide youth a place of their own; here, programs and activities are youth driven for youth. Quinte West Youth Centre does have staff on at all times with a variety of backgrounds with the commonality of wanting to support youth in our community. Quinte West Youth Centre also has a Board of Directors with the goal to continue finding support to provide to our youth.